She saw Jesus in a whole new way

Camila was a Christian.

In her home nation of Chile, her mother had been taking her to church ever since she was a little girl. She heard about the crucifixion every Good Friday, the Resurrection every Easter, the baby in the manger at Christmas. She knew the whole story.

But now, as a tween girl about to become a teenager, Camila had other things on her mind! She had a cell phone and an Instagram account; she had her favorite YouTube channels and loved texting her friends —

In fact, now it felt like her mother was dragging her to church when she had better things to do!

But then she saw The GodMan film. She came face-to-face with a Jesus she had never really known, a Friend and Savior who was willing to lay down His life so that she could live a full and happy life, with heaven in her future.

After that, everything changed! Camila rededicated her life to Christ — and while she still has her phone and her friends and a busy social life, she’s also joyful in Jesus, and happy to go to church with her mom and learn more about her Savior.

Thanks for showing Camila the Jesus she never knew.

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