Global Youth Culture Report
Whether you only have a few minutes to glance over it, or you want to take a closer look at Global Youth Culture, we have everything you need to learn, share, and take action about the topics covered in the reports.
We believe research is key to discovering the state of a generation, the mission field, and the global culture of youth and their needs. Research allows us to continue to produce creative, effective, and relevant ministry tools to engage youth with the Gospel.
Whether you only have a few minutes to glance over it, or you want to take a closer look at Global Youth Culture, we have everything you need to learn, share, and take action about the topics covered in the reports.
Global Youth Culture is a OneHope research study covering the trends and behaviors of today’s teenagers, the most connected generation. With these findings, we can recognize similarities between young people from different regions of the world. Do teenagers in Africa have similar views on identity as those in Asia? Are religious practices of the next generation in Eurasia and North America trending the same? Global Youth Culture provides a clear picture of these issues and additional diverse topics.
Each generation is shaped by unique circumstances and influences that help form their generational hallmarks. Research helps us examine the world these young people are growing up in and the effects they say it is having on them. Global Youth Culture shares insights on today’s teens and how to reach them with the Gospel.
Or maybe a pastor wondering how (or whether) to incorporate digital resources in your ministry? Guiding Children, a new Barna report created in partnership with OneHope, explains how major changes around the world are impacting the spiritual lives of the next generation.