Global Outreach

We don’t define success by how many children we touch with God’s Word,
 but by the impact we see on the lives of the children we reach.

“After reading the book, I gave my life to Christ – and I got amazing peace in my heart. I have stopped drug abuse. I came to realize that Christ’s love is unconditional. It’s amazing how beautiful and joyful life can be in Jesus.”

– Janaro in Kenya

Learn About Our Programs

Keeping cultural relevance and each society’s unique issues in mind, our programs are as diverse as the children and youth they are intended to reach. Each program is age-specific and customized based on research we conduct among children, youth, leaders, and educators in the countries where we work. You can explore more Scripture engagement programs.


Read Our Research

In order to continue to create effective and relevant presentations of God’s Word, we’re collecting research data essential to our ministry. We are committed to conducting thorough research and sharing it with other organizations and churches who also have a passion for reaching the next generation. Ready to dive in?


See Our Global Reach

With the goal of sharing God’s Word with as many children as possible this year, our partners are working diligently in 112 countries – 41 of which are on the World Watch List. We’re a ministry serving the diverse Church around the world!


Vision 2033 is an international movement to reach every child, in every nation, with God’s Word by the year 2033.