January 2024 Global Report

The GodMan film changed my life!

He lives in a majority-Muslim nation of Southern Asia where believers in Jesus are subject to persecution — but our partner churches there are willing to risk the threat of danger to share the Good News with the next generation …

That’s how Kaleem was invited to a showing of The GodMan film.

“I have to admit, I wasn’t the best friend or brother,” Kaleem says. “I often found myself in conflict with others and using harsh words against them. Then a team came to our village and organized a movie showing for us. I didn’t know this movie was about to change my life.”

From the film Kaleem learned about Jesus for the very first time — and he also received a Book of Hope as a free gift, too.

“The book and the film spoke about love, hope, selflessness — qualities that were not present in my life, but they spoke to me anyway. I discovered that Jesus loved me and willingly gave His life to save me. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and purpose.”

Today Kaleem is following Jesus as his Savior.

“Thank you for bringing the book and the movie to our village,” Kaleem says. “I want to share with others the love of Jesus you first showed me!”

Fast Facts about The GodMan film

It’s a computer-generated animation version of the life of Christ story.

• There’s a Children’s Animated Edition Book of Hope that includes graphics and illustrations from the film.

• The GodMan is available in 78 languages.

• It’s reaching children and youth in 108 nations.

• It premiered in 2005 and has touched the lives of more than 200 million viewers!

The GodMan film goes where missionaries can’t go

The GodMan film is one of the most popular and effective ways we can share the Gospel with children and youth in limited access nations where there is political or religious opposition to Christianity or where believers may be targeted for persecution.

The film is contextualized to the local setting with a live-action introduction and conclusion that help young people understand how the story relates to them, and the basic story of the life of Christ is clearly presented.

In fact, The GodMan film is one of the most important programs used in the Lumière Project for sub- Saharan Africa, reaching children and youth in several majority-Muslim nations. The GodMan film presents Jesus even in limited access regions.

My Story of Hope: Blandine

Her head hurt. Bad. Every morning. For years.

The daily, excruciating headaches were making Blandine’s childhood a nightmare … and it was made even worse because her mother told her the headaches were caused by an evil spirit!

Her mother believed Blandine had been cursed for a debt the family hadn’t paid to a demon in their local tribal religion in their village in Togo.

When Blandine saw The GodMan film and witnessed the power of a Savior who could cast out demons and heal the sick, Blandine was relieved!

She went forward for prayer — and was instantly healed from her headaches. She also dedicated her life to Jesus Christ.

She witnessed the power of the Savior in The GodMan film.

2005–2023: The GodMan film reaches 200 million children and youth with the Gospel!

Twenty-five years ago, a missionary in Madagascar thanked us for sending the Book of Hope — then asked, “What can you do for the other 50% of Madagascar’s children who can’t read?”

OneHope Founder Bob Hoskins and President Rob Hoskins began to pray and received a word from the Lord: an animated version of the life of Christ story.

Rob turned to OneHope partners Dave and Kathi Byker — and asked Dave to go with him to Hollywood, to get the industry’s best and brightest motivated about making a life of Christ film for children and youth.

Here’s Dave’s recollection of what happened next:

June 25, 2001, it was Rob and Dave in Hollywood.

We met with a Christian animator called 3-D Bob.

Rob and I agreed we could probably raise $2 million for the project. We asked 3-D Bob if they could do a quality project for $2 million. 3-D Bob said yes — but later we found out his “yes” meant: “I will do the best I can for that measly amount of money.”

It took four years of hard work and $6,000,000 to complete the first version in one language.

It took an additional $2,500,000 to get nine other major-language versions.

Today, I think it was the grace of God that 3-D Bob did not give us an accurate estimate of the cost and how long it would take … In our earthly limitations, we might have thought it was a mountain we couldn’t climb.

Instead, we learned that by proceeding in faith, believing WE can move the mountain by the power God gives us.

Today, thanks to Dave and Kathi, and other generous friends, The GodMan is making an impact on young lives in 108 nations, all over the globe.

How you’re reaching the next generation in sub–Saharan Africa … through The GodMan film

Today we are seeing a great move of God in many limited access regions, and young lives are being transformed. There is no barrier to the work of the Holy Spirit.

In some regions we have local church partners able to deliver God’s Word to young people face to face and even launch new churches, such as in many majority-Muslim nations of French-speaking Africa being reached through the Lumière Project.

The GodMan film is one of the most effective and widely used Scripture programs to engage with children and youth — and their whole families — in sub-Saharan Africa. Our ministry partners use the film showing as a way to spark interest in the Word and eventually plant a new church.

The GodMan history: timeline

The GodMan shines the light in spiritual darkness

By OneHope President Rob Hoskins

When François’ father died and left him and his mother struggling to survive, the neighbors thought that the family must have offended the spirits in some way.

The folk religion practiced by most people in Madagascar suggested the solution: dig up the bones of their ancestors, clean them up, bring them home to live in the house for a few days — maybe sleep in the same bed with them — and appease the spirits. Then all would be well.

None of this helped François after his father died. Some days he and his mother ate, some days they went hungry.

Like about half the children in Madagascar, François didn’t go to school. He had attended before, in better days, but now his mother couldn’t pay the fees. But François was invited, with all the neighborhood children, to a showing of The GodMan film at a Christian school in their neighborhood.

He was amazed by what he saw in the film! Like most Malagasy children, he had seen crucifixes and heard the name of Jesus … but he’d had no idea what the Gospel really was.

François knew that his neighbors and friends thought he should see a witch doctor to try to dispel the curse he was living under — wanted him to dig up the bones of his ancestors and pray to them — but after his encounter with Jesus in The GodMan film, he knew that what he and his mother needed was the gift of salvation!

Today François and his mother are both following the one true God. Their local church family surrounded them and helped them survive. Now 19 years old, François works as a handyman at his church and, when he has time, travels with a team sharing The GodMan film and the Book of Hope with young people in other neighborhoods and cities.

Our Scripture programs helped him see the truth that spiritual power and the hope of eternity are found in Christ alone. Thanks for sharing the life-transforming power of God’s Word with François and 200 million like him through The GodMan film.



The Lead Today program is making a big impact in high schools, and now in universities, too! The Sportive Association at the University of Ankatso in Madagascar has implemented Lead Today in their school as a way to empower youth with biblical leadership principles and train them to share the Good News with others.


The GodMan film showing sponsored by a local church brought about dramatic changes for the children and youth. Pastor Pedro Gutierrez reports that since the showing, more and more young people are discovering God’s love and are interested in learning more about the Bible.


A teacher named Lizet wants to thank you for sending God’s Word to her school: “The GodMan film and the Book of Hope with the illustrations from the film are helping our children learn about the divinity and the humanity of Jesus. We are grateful!”


Little girl meets Jesus — introduces Him to her mother

Aminata was so excited to go to the film showing! Her mother had been so tired, feeling so sick, and even a little cranky … Aminata was happy to get out of the house, and looking forward to seeing a movie.

She was even happier when The GodMan film told the beautiful story of Jesus, the Savior who loved little children and could do miracles. Aminata decided that night that she wanted to follow Jesus. And she wanted Jesus to help her mother, too.

They live in Alepe, in their home nation, the African country of Côte d’Ivoire. This was the very first night of OneHope ministry at the local church, and Aminata knew they would be showing the film again the next night. As soon as she arrived home, she began telling her mother about Jesus and encouraging her to come to the film showing the next day.

Aminata’s mother, Vanessa, didn’t feel like going out. She was pregnant, far past her due date, and her doctors expected when the baby did come, there would likely be complications. But when Aminata was so insistent … Vanessa agreed to go and see The GodMan.

She was so glad she did! She, too, chose to follow Jesus as Savior. She and Aminata prayed for the unborn baby … and the very next day Vanessa’s healthy new daughter arrived with no complications!

Thank you for showing Aminata and her mother the way to new life in Christ.

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