December 2023 Global Report

Thanks to you, he knows he is loved!

He knew he wasn’t wanted.

When his father remarried, his stepmother didn’t want him in the house. So Pakriti was told to live in his father’s workshop — a rundown shack.

In their impoverished village in a traditionally Buddhist nation, his father worked as a carpenter and day laborer. Pakriti helped with the work instead of going to school. He felt worthless, alone, unloved.

But then you sent Christmas in Asia to his village — providing the local church with the Book of Hope for children, The GodMan film, crafts, music, and a Christmas celebration.

Pakriti was thrilled to be able to attend … and the one thing he loved most about the Christmas party was the story of Jesus through The GodMan film. He decided to follow Christ as his Savior!

Thank you for showing Pakriti that he is loved by his new church family but especially by Jesus Christ. This wonderful news has transformed his life!

Right now you can help reach 4.8 million more children like him with God’s Word — and your impact will be doubled by the $1 million Greatest Gift Matching Challenge! Every $1 = God’s Word for SIX children like Pakriti in limited access nations.

Fast Facts

2023how many children will receive Gods Word?

  • 2023 Faith Goal: 142 million
  • 57.8 million are in limited access nations
  • 4.8 million are still waiting!
  • The $1 million Greatest Gift Matching Challenge is designed to challenge friends to give so their impact can be doubled — but the deadline is December 31!

What is a limited access nation?

The limited access regions of the world are places where there is opposition to the proclamation of the Gospel — regions where believers may be at risk of persecution. These barriers to the Good News may be religious, political, social, or even physical. Over 85% of children and youth in limited access countries have never heard the name of Jesus.

We cannot publish the details of where our partners are sharing God’s Word with the next generation in these limited access regions because believers may be at risk of persecution. But our programs are telling young people about Jesus in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, and elsewhere.

We use a variety of proven programs in limited access nations, including:

What If It's True?

What If It’s True? is a digital initiative that provides space for people to engage with life’s tough questions, begin a journey through Scripture, and even meet up with a local believer in their area for further discipleship.

God’s Big Story

OneHope created the God’s Big Story program, a collection of picture cards that depict Bible stories without written text, specifically for cultures that rely on aural traditions and storytelling because it can be used even among people who can’t read.

My Story of Hope: Cristal from Dominican Republic

Cristal’s sleep was haunted by nightmares — when she closed her eyes, she heard haunting voices that tormented her.

Cristal’s sleep was haunted by nightmares — when she closed her eyes, she heard haunting voices that tormented her.

The fear was intense, the exhaustion was real … it overflowed into her waking hours where she was timid and withdrawn, attracting the attention of bullies at school. At home there was no relief — her own mother told her she was weird and not like the rest of the family!

But then you reached out to Cristal with God’s Word in the Book of Hope.

“Since that moment everything has changed. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am part of something,” Cristal says today. She committed her life to Christ and began attending her local church, where she found acceptance and new friends.

“I feel like my life is different, and I no longer need to be far from people. Rather, I want to talk to others about the things that God is doing in my life.”

Thank you for helping Cristal find new life in Christ and new hope for the future!

I want to talk to others about the things God is doing in my life!

How you reached millions of young people in 2023:

We’re so close to the 2023 faith goal of getting God’s Word to 142 million children and youth all over the world!

And one way this is happening is through innovative new Scripture programs launched just this year, including:

Teen Kulture Show on YouTube in East Africa

Christian teens host a series of Scripture-directed programs covering hot topics like attitudes and behaviors, influences and guiding voices, personal experiences and struggles, digital connectedness and impact, and more!

Fear Not in Taiwan

The Ghost Festival celebrated in July in Taiwan is the traditional season to feed the hungry ghosts at the gates of hell — but Fear Not is a popular new program that combats these superstitions and helps children release their fear of ghosts while introducing them to Jesus.


Onward: Journey to the Light for refugees

Developed for children in Ukraine, this new Book of Hope focuses on emotional processing: helping children engage in a healthy way with sadness, fear, hopelessness, and other feelings. The book points back to the truths of God’s Word to find comfort, peace, and hope.


Hope Revolution: European Teen Edition Book of Hope

This special-edition Book of Hope focuses on issues facing teenagers in “post- Christian” Europe, where many young people have never been exposed to a biblical worldview and have little understanding of the need for a personal relationship with God.


Rose: an animated film for Latin America

High-quality animation captures children’s attention as they follow the story of Rose, a young motorcycle racer seeking fame and recognition. An unexpected accident leads her to encounter Jesus and discover the true meaning of life.

OneHope Founder honored by Museum of the Bible

OneHope Founder Bob Hoskins received the prestigious Marie Green Award from the Museum of the Bible at their gala on November 11!

The award honors Bob’s decades of ministry as a missionary and evangelist. It was presented by Museum of the Bible Chairman of the Board Steve Green and Mrs. Jackie Green. The award is named for Steve’s grandmother, Marie, who was a lifelong proponent of missions and a passionate soul winner.

As part of Hoskins’ 80 years of full-time ministry, he worked as a publisher of Bibles and Gospel literature, is a founding member of the Museum of the Bible Board, and of course, developed the passion to get God’s Word to every child and youth on earth, which resulted in OneHope, which has already reached over 2 billion young people with the Good News.

Join us in congratulating Bob for his lifetime of service and on receiving this exclusive award.

Matching Challenge — 12/31 deadline

We’re close to the faith goal of reaching 142 million young people this year — but time is running out!

Thankfully the $1,000,000 Greatest Gift Matching Challenge is matching every gift for double impact at this critical moment.

Now is the time for strategic year-end giving

With the matching challenge, your year-end giving can go twice as far to reach children with God’s Word!

A rollover gift from your IRA is available for the match — if you’re 70½ years or older, up to a $100,000 gift adds nothing to your taxable income! If you are 73 or older, it can count toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).

Donation of appreciated assets are available for the match — and you may avoid capital gains tax so you can give more to ministry!

A shelter in the storm

By OneHope President Rob Hoskins

I grew up in Lebanon in a missionary family, living next to a huge refugee camp. Some of the kids I played with were refugees. Their lives had been torn apart.

In the violence of intifada, I was evacuated with my family. What became of those children who couldn’t be whisked away? It’s a question that haunts me to this day — and motivates me to do all I can to bring hope to refugees today.

Sometimes when I talk about it, people respond that I’m “getting political.” But it’s not politics. It’s our Christian duty to understand and respond to the reality of refugees everywhere. Whether they have arrived in your backyard or are suffering on the other side of the world, you must determine what your responsibility is to them as a follower of Christ.

Let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love. This is the only way we’ll know we’re living truly, living in God’s reality.

1 John 3:18-19 (The Message)

God knows how desperately refugees need the message of God’s love and hope for the future.

Dr. M. K. Hamza, a neuropsychologist from the Syrian American Medical Society has worked with countless traumatized refugee children — and says there is no word yet in the medical or psychological lexicon to describe the horror they’ve experienced …

So he created a term: Human Devastation Syndrome, and describes it as significantly more devastating than PTSD.

This new reality for refugee children launches us into unchartered ministry territory, but we know this is where God is calling us — because our vision is God’s Word. Every Child. This means children in the Muslim world, the hard-to-reach places, and of course, the refugee camps.

I know “refugees” may seem like a political hot potato in the United States … but these children and youth scattered around the world are precious in God’s sight — and I am so thankful you see them through His eyes.



Ashton never realized that as the older brother, he was a role model for his younger siblings and cousins as well. When he experienced our Lead Today program, he began to realize how important it is to use his influence in a positive, godly way.



Flavia’s parents split up, and he was left feeling alone, hopeless, and frightened of the future. But then you reached out to him with the Book of Hope, and he learned about the Savior, Jesus. “Now I understand there is someone who loves me and has a plan for my life,” Flavia says.


The GodMan film made a big impression on the children who came to the Reach Circle club meeting, and now their parents, too, are asking to see more films like this! Thanks for empowering local believers to reach the next generation in limited access regions!

Youngest, smallest, left out, forgotten … until —

John Michael’s brothers seemed to know where they were going and what they wanted out of life. But 13-year-old John Michael had no such confidence. As the youngest in the family, he felt small, left out, forgotten.

Things didn’t improve when he started as a freshman at a large high school in their city in the Philippines — he was shy and felt lost in the crowd. But then he received a Book of Hope and an invitation to a youth gathering presented by the local church.

They were studying the Book of Hope together, and here John Michael made friends and felt more comfortable discussing aloud what he was learning from the Scriptures about friendship, family, and self-esteem. He was surprised at each meeting to realize how much each topic spoke directly to him!

Soon one of his best friends at Bible study, Jaydee, invited him to dedicate his life to Christ, and John Michael prayed with him to make Jesus his Savior!

Today John Michael is faithfully attending the OneHope Bible study, and he assists in Sunday school with younger children at church. He no longer feels left out and forgotten because he feels the love of Jesus and he has a church family standing beside him.

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$1 shares the Gospel with  children. How many will you reach?