May 2022 Global Report

Edwin’s transformation Through Lead Today

Weak on follow-through. Lazy. Undisciplined.

These were the kinds of things Edwin’s teachers and parents used to say about him. He might begin a project with enthusiasm, only to quit halfway through. Homework was always put off until the last minute. The path of least resistance seemed to be the one he gravitated toward.

But then the Lead Today program launched in his home nation of Honduras, and Edwin began studying God’s Word through the lens of what makes a good leader … He discovered that Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of a servant leader … and he realized he wanted to be like Jesus!

Today Edwin is a disciplined young believer whose life has been transformed! Thank you for engaging Edwin with God’s Word through Lead Today.

  • Get Lead Today to more young people like Edwin — Until May 31 only, a $500,000 Matching Challenge will DOUBLE your gift — Every $1 doubles to reach SIX young people through Lead Today!


by President Rob Hoskins

The next generation is growing up in a very unique time in history — technology, globalization, and connectivity contribute to their dynamic formation. I expect today’s young believers will make their mark on the world as they learn to rely on the Holy Spirit. These six outcomes serve as goalposts for all of us who live a life of faith:

  1. Unity
  2. Outpouring of the Spirit
  3. Cultural and social impact
  4. Leadership development
  5. Scripture engagement
  6. Reaching the unreached

As the next generation moves toward these outcomes, they will need a deeper understanding of God’s Word and relationship with the Spirit, ready and equipped to make an impact in the world. Ivan Illich shares how societal change actually happens:

“Neither revolution nor reformation can ultimately change a society, rather you must tell a new powerful tale, one so persuasive that it sweeps away the old myths and becomes the preferred story, one so inclusive that it gathers all the bits of our past and our present into a coherent whole, one that shines some light. … If you want to change a society, then you have to tell an alternative story.”

Young believers, and all of us who walk with Christ, can share the story of the Gospel, of a loving Savior, and of a peace that passes all understanding. The next generation can be a cohort of mobilized advocates to build up the Church. The Holy Spirit is always new and fresh and adapting to the environment, culture, and society of the moment. He will equip the next generation.

Lysi’s transformation

Lysi was such a faithful member of her youth group in Nicaragua that she was appointed to be a student leader … but it was difficult for her! She found it hard to speak in front of a group, and she felt quite unsure of herself. Then she was enrolled in Lead Today.

“Now I love to share God’s love with other young people.”

“Since I began studying the program, I have become a much better communicator!” Lysi says today. “Now I love to share God’s love with other young people.”

“Thank you for changing my life!”

“I study at the Santiago Cancrini Institute. In Bible class, we began studying Lead Today to learn a little more about the Word of God and the plans He has for me. With a group of boys, we are putting the principles into practice. We’re leading a group to evangelize other teenagers, an experience that will help me walk even closer with Christ. Thank you for changing my life!” —Martina, 15


Our research showed something disturbing: African youth think a “leader” is a corrupt person with a title who takes bribes and misuses power. And they don’t want to be like that!

But, of course, the kind of “leader” they’re thinking of isn’t a biblical model of leadership at all.

The problem: how to show these young people what a real leader is.

Our team tackled this problem by partnering with leadership expert John Maxwell’s EQUIP organization to create the youth program that incorporates Scripture themes from the Book of Hope with biblical principles of leadership.

Lead Today was created for Africa, but has quickly become one of the programs most in demand all over the world, as the timeline shows.



Launched in Ghana


Used in 14 nations in Africa


Expanded to Asia Pacific, Eurasia, Latin America, and Southern Asia making it a global program


By the end of 2019, more than 6 million young people reached through Lead Today



Lead Today clubs move online so young people can continue leadership development during lockdowns


Lead Today available in 24 languages — more than 11 million young people, across 81 nations, reached


This year, another 4.1 million young people will be reached with the Good News through Lead Today


Today your gift for Lead Today will be DOUBLED by the matching challenge — every $1 will reach 6 young people!


Lead Today is God’s Word! It’s designed to win young people to faith in Christ and helps them develop their leadership skills in accordance with the principles of God’s Word. Our partners at John Maxwell’s EQUIP leadership organization helped create a program that is biblically sound, empowering, and life-transforming. We’re excited to connect 4.1 million young people with God’s Word through Lead Today this year.



Akash was adopted. His parents had been married for 18 years and had no children of their own, and took him in. Although their homeland is a majority Hindu nation, when Akash was little, his parents chose to follow Jesus. Just a few years later, they had two biological children!

Akash felt neglected when his brother and sister arrived. By the time he became a teenager, he was skipping school, not going to church, spending his time on the streets with his friends, and disrespecting his parents.

He did go to church with the family around Christmastime, and at Sunday school that day he received the special Christmas-edition Book of Hope called The Greatest Gift. He read it cover to cover, and on the final pages he read the plan of salvation and realized he wanted to follow Jesus!

Today Akash is back on the right path, worshipping Jesus in church with his family. Your gift of God’s Word transformed him!


At first, Marileyne was happy to have the Book of Hope because of the beautiful illustrations. She loved reading it and trying to reproduce the illustrations by drawing them herself. Then she realized how beautiful the stories were … and she chose to follow Jesus as her Savior!


Eight-year-old Angel suffered with hemophilia. He was fortunate that he could receive treatment for it, but he was bored and lonely in the hospital — until volunteers from the local church brought him the Superbook Book of Hope. He loves the stories about Jesus, and has already asked his family to take him to church as soon as he is well enough.


The pandemic struck hard in marginalized communities, and the Guaraní indigenous people of Paraguay suffered from COVID and from the economic downturn of lockdowns. One of our partner churches brought hope to the community, sharing food and God’s Word with the children!

God’s Word. Every Child.


Myia was abandoned, bleeding on the side of a dark highway.

She’d failed in her job of collecting plastic and metal for scrap — the day had been rainy, and she couldn’t make the quota her father insisted he needed to buy alcohol to feed his addiction that day. He beat her, tossed her onto the roadside, and told her not to come home until she had his money.

This long nightmare of abuse had begun when Myia’s mother died in childbirth with Myia’s little sister. Their father, an alcoholic, had spiraled out of control. There’s not much of a social safety net in the sensitive nation where they live. Most people are poor. The vast majority are Buddhist. Children like Myia suffer.

The police found Myia that night, and took her to the home of one of our partner pastors. When she recovered, the pastor took her home and had a long talk with her father … somehow convincing him to stop beating his daughters — and also to let them come to his church for Kids Club.

Myia and her little sister loved learning about Jesus at Kids Club! And although Myia is only 12, she wanted to take part in Lead Today, too. The older students welcomed her in and helped her catch up … It was there in class that Myia chose to give her life to Christ! 

“My vision is to be a Christian teacher,” she says. “I want to talk about Jesus and the living God to poor Buddhist kids like me.” 

Thanks for sharing God’s Word with Myia!

Every $1 you give today will be doubled to get God’s Word to 6 young people like Myia!

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$1 shares the Gospel with 3 children. HOw many will you reach?