November 2020 Global Report

$500,000 Greatest Gift Matching Challenge doubles your impact for children like Anjali …

Great news! The $500,000 Greatest Gift Matching Challenge will DOUBLE your gift to reach the next generation in Asia — even in limited access nations where it’s difficult to share the Good News.

Anjali lives in one of those places: a majority Hindu nation where Christians are often persecuted. But when she was invited to attend a Superbook video showing with other neighborhood children, she happily went.

She had so much fun — received her own Book of Hope — and she wanted to know more about Jesus, so she began attending the local church. Today, she has chosen Christ as Savior!

Anjali brings her friends to church and tells them about Jesus, too. And her church family is praying with her that her parents will soon come to know Christ.

Thank you for reaching out to children like Anjali in Southern Asia and elsewhere. Your gift is changing lives!

Greatest Gift Matching Challenge Usually $1 shares God’s Word with three children and youth — today, every $1 is DOUBLED to reach SIX young people with the Good News!

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor …”

by President Rob Hoskins

It would be an amazing answer to prayer for the evangelical world, unified as one, to embrace the oppressed and suffering. I feel so strongly that we should be the first to rally around the many who are under attack and in need of real rescue.

The best way to do it — invest in the indigenous Church. The ultimate solution to any suffering is to ensure that there is a healthy, local body in every community, a body ready to meet the needs of those suffering among them.

While we may not be able to influence or conquer the entities causing their hardship, we can provide a real and powerful remedy for their misery.

The answer is found in the Gospel lived out in their community. These places of refuge only happen when Bible-based churches are planted, believers grow strong in God’s Word, and Christians cultivate relationships in and among suffering individuals and communities.

We can debate hot button topics … and deepen the divide. Or, we can build bridges and serve the suffering of the world by investing in healthy churches able to serve their community.

Jesus came to help the suffering. People enduring hard times are searching for answers and longing for hope.

Thank you for helping OneHope respond to that need — helping to ensure God’s Word is available to the next generation, with encouragement and the power for life-transformation wherever young people are suffering.

Christmas in Asia: You’re reaching 6.2 million children and youth with God’s Word

Thank you for giving and praying for Christmas in Asia! With your help, our partners in several nations of Asia will share God’s Word with 6.2 million children this holiday season!

People throughout Asia are curious about Christmas: they see the lights and decorations, hear the special music, and long to know what it’s really all about. Our partners step up to share special-edition Christmas Books of Hope and digital programs, too.

Don’t forget that right now the $500,000 Greatest Gift Matching Challenge will DOUBLE every gift to help reach the next generation. Usually $1 reaches three children and youth — today every $1 will be DOUBLED to reach SIX!

In a majority Hindu nation — a family receives the Good News

They struggled for survival. Ajay’s parents worked as day laborers.

They live in a majority Hindu nation where Christians are at great risk of persecution. But one of our partner pastors came to the neighborhood and gave Ajay a Book of Hope. The boy was so intrigued by the story, he was soon attending church — and committed his life to Christ.

Today, Ajay’s mom is coming to church with him, and the whole family is having deep discussions about spiritual matters and following Jesus. We’re praying soon they will all be worshiping Christ together.

You’re sharing God’s Word with children even in limited access nations! Today, when you give, every $1 is doubled to reach SIX young people with the Good News!

Matthew and Friends: Sharing God’s Word in Southern Asia

How you’re delivering the Good News to the next generation in a hot zone of persecution

Southern Asia is a hot zone for the persecution of Christians and opposition to the Gospel. Traditional religions, restrictive governments, radical nationalists, and other forces are responsible for violence against believers, discrimination and oppression, burning churches, and assaulting pastors and evangelists.

But believers here want to reach the next generation — and our innovative Matthew and Friends program is perfect, because kids don’t have to come to church (which many wouldn’t do) — they can receive the Gospel at a neighbor’s house.

We first used this program back in 2006 in a largely populated majority Hindu nation: we helped train local Christians to invite neighborhood children into their homes to watch a TV broadcast of The GodMan film.

Times have changed in that nation and that’s not possible anymore, but what we can do, in many nations of Southern Asia, is use this same model of gathering children in the homes of local Christians for a film showing and Christmas party. We relaunched Matthew and Friends employing this model in 2019 and have seen a wonderful response!

This time, we’ll use the Superbook films about Jesus from our friends at CBN. Most children will receive a special-edition Book of Hope to take with them and learn more about Jesus — and be invited to regular meetings of a Superbook club at their neighbors’ homes.

➢ While we can’t repeat the same broadcast outreaches used years ago due to the sensitivity and persecution within this region … we can still pursue personal relationships and increase our discipleship efforts in unique ways. Flash drives and DVDs will be provided to our partners for the films to be shown in their homes.

This is a brilliant way to connect children with God’s Word at a special time of year, and lead many to Jesus! And the ministry will continue into the new year with regular Superbook club meetings!

Children will receive a special-edition Book of Hope and be invited to regular club meetings. Usually every $1 reaches three children and youth — right now, your gift will be DOUBLED, and $1 will reach SIX young people!

Christmas in Asia led them to faith in Christ!

Sixth-grader Jash says he
accepted Jesus the Great Gift
(a Christmas edition Book of Hope for Southern Asia) and wants
to live for Christ alone!

Ira, a 9th grader, also
chose to follow Jesus — and
she isusing her Book of
 to share the Good
News with friends!

Vihan, whose father has
died, now knows he is a
child of God! This 5th
grader is thankful for
the love of Christ.

You gave them hope — and welcomed them to God’s family

Their parents were drunk again. Fourteen-year-old twins Lalana and Bimala knew the shouting and fighting would soon begin. In their village of a majority Hindu nation, the family was poor — and suffered even worse because of addiction. Their rural village is rarely visited by outsiders, but a OneHope team came and shared the Gospel story with the girls. They chose to follow Christ as Savior and began attending a nearby church — where they found a loving family of believers who are praying with them for their parents’ salvation.

Lalana and Bimala found hope in Christ when you sent God’s Word to their village. Give again today, and every $1 will be DOUBLED to reach SIX children and youth with the Good News!

Now is the time — your impact multiplied through year-end giving!

Lalana and Bimala found hope for eternity when you sent God’s Word to their village — but millions more like them still need to hear the Good News. And now is a great time to help reach them, because your gift will be doubled by the matching challenge, and you can reap a tax benefit.

With the 2020 CARES Act, you can take a charitable deduction against up to 100% of your 2020 adjusted gross income for federal tax purposes. To do so:

• The first 60% can be donated directly to OneHope and your other favorite ministries, or put in your Donor Advised Fund (as in previous years).
• The remaining 40% must be a donation in cash or check, to a regular public charity, such as OneHope, before the end of the year.

The CARES Act also allows for an additional “above-the-line” deduction for charitable gifts made in cash of up to $300. If you are not itemizing on your 2020 taxes, you can claim this new deduction. Other important year-end giving options:

➢ Donation of appreciated property or stocks allows you to take a tax deduction for the fair market value of the items.
➢ Donation of an unneeded paid-up life insurance policy generates a tax deduction and shares the Good News with the next generation.
➢ And any gift of cash is applicable toward 2020 taxes as allowed by law.

For more information on strategic yearend giving, please contact April Floria at today. And on behalf of children like Lalana and Bimala, thank you!


VENEZUELA — A family transformed through the Book of Hope

The economic and social upheaval of Venezuela has left many families in chaos and hopelessness. Katherín and Sophia understand this very well. They’re being raised by their grandparents, and times are hard.

The girls were playing in the streets near their home when they met a team from the local church, distributing the Book of Hope and telling local children about Jesus. Katherín and Sophia were delighted to receive a book of their own — and they accepted the invitation to come to church, too.

Today, the sisters have chosen to follow Christ as Savior! And there’s more: their grandparents became interested in the story of Jesus, too, and began coming to church with the grand-daughters. Now the whole family is serving Jesus and worshiping together!


A little girl sat in the back of a OneHope training session — she had come there, not with a parent, but by herself. 12-year old Alice came from a church where there was no children’s ministry, so as the oldest one in the group, she was the teacher. And she was thrilled to be learning how to use OneHope materials to engage the little ones at her church with the Gospel story!

Limited Access Nation

Shezan is a OneHope partner who began using our LUMO life of Christ video series to share the story of Jesus with the children in her neighborhood, in a majority Hindu nation. She now has about 40 children in a regular Bible study, and she’s also sharing the Gospel through LUMO with her friends and family.


Deborah had given up on her academic and personal life. She wasn’t sure about her future and didn’t make plans for college. But then she was enrolled in our Lead Today program. She received so much confidence that she could become a godly leader, she decided to pursue college, even though she was quite late in applying and didn’t know where the funding would come from for classes. But by God’s grace, she was able to enroll this year!

God’s Word. Every Child.

Saved from suicide!

Manuel was abandoned as a child. In the poor, rural region of El Salvador where he lived, it seemed like a death sentence. He couldn’t survive on his own. He was fortunate that an aunt took him in … but he never felt wanted or loved. Sadness, loneliness, bitterness, anger … these were his constant companions. By the age of 15, Manuel felt like he had no purpose and no dreams. He was tired of the pain and wanted out. One morning he left for school … but he had no plans ever to come home again. He was going to kill himself and end his suffering. That very day, a OneHope team had been invited to school, to distribute the Book of Hope and share the Good News. Pastor Henry spoke to Manuel’s class, and shared the story of Joseph from the Book of Hope. Joseph had been abandoned by his family, just as Manuel had — Joseph had suffered rejection and loneliness — Yet he found purpose and fulfillment in God! Manuel was amazed, and he wanted to know how to make this transformation! He met with Pastor Henry that day and told him his story. Manuel was overjoyed to learn that he could experience new life in Christ! Today, he is walking with Jesus and fellowshipping with believers in his new home church. Thank you for helping to save Manuel from suicide and put him on the path to joy in Jesus.

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$1 shares the Gospel with 3 children. HOw many will you reach?