About Us

In 1986, OneHope’s founder Bob Hoskins received a vision from the Lord showing him how Satan was targeting children in horrible ways to destroy the potential of the next generation. This experience broke Bob’s heart, and he spent many days weeping and asking the Lord what he should do about what he had seen.

He heard God tell him to take His Word to the children and youth of the world, and to do it through leaders. Bob began by sending letters to major leaders in Latin America, asking them for permission to give God’s Word to kids in their country. He heard back from the Minister of Education in El Salvador, with an invitation to give Scripture to every schoolchild in the nation! A special Scripture program, El Libro de Vida, or Book of Hope, was created to share with the children. This 1987 distribution in El Salvador was the beginning of OneHope.

More than 2 billion children and youth have been reached with a relevant Gospel message. With the help of our partners, OneHope plans to reach more than 142 million children and youth in every nation around the world this year. Watch how God’s Word has changed the lives of children and youth around the world.


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around the world.


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OneHope distribution trip.