July 2021 Global Report


Giana’s heart had been broken … by her father. He abandoned the family, and she rarely saw him. The few times she had been able to visit with him as a small child, he didn’t seem to want her there … and neglected her. It left Giana feeling worthless. But then Giana received the special edition Superbook Book of Hope. This book opened so many doors! Giana never knew before that there was a God who loved her. Now she says: “The Superbook Book of Hope taught me a lot: that God made all things. He created animals. He created us, and also, He can perform many miracles … He wants to be our best friend.” Today, Giana follows Jesus as her Savior, and she’s attending the local church. Her mother is so excited about the transformation she sees in Giana, she’s coming to church, too. Thank you for sending God’s Word to show Giana the way to new life in Christ!


by President Rob Hoskins

Collaboration isn’t a new idea. You see it everywhere.

For any problem — at any time — multi-disciplinary solutions are needed. We can’t communicate in echo chambers, achieve in organizational exclusivity, improve in institutional isolation, or progress in policy silos. We must collaborate or die.

In coming together to identify common needs and challenges, solutions begin to arise.

The benefits of collaboration are:

  1. Best practice sharing
  2. Bilateral partnerships
  3. Standards
  4. Joint advocacy
  5. New language

Good collaboration will multiply results allowing a group to accomplish more, and faster, than working alone.

At OneHope, we recognize the value of collaboration. We’ve seen success in our partnership with Evangelism Explosion to produce a program that has trained millions of children globally to share their faith with millions more. Our collaboration with YouVersion produced the Bible App for Kids, and more recently, the Kids Bible Experience. Lead Today, through our partnership with John Maxwell, is being integrated in schools and churches around the world.

This Global Report focuses on our collaboration with the Christian Broadcasting Network in the Superbook program. You and your kids or grandkids may have watched it before.

Through collaboration with CBN, we’re using the same type of graphics and themes from the videos in our special-edition Superbook Book of Hope, and as you see in this report, lives are being changed!

Our vision is God’s Word. Every Child. But we can’t do it alone — thank the Lord, we have collaborators like these and many more …

And of course, we’re thankful for you, our partner in global outreach!


It started with a free gift — a special edition Book of Hope that is based on CBN’s popular animated series, Superbook. This book utilizes the art from the television episodes, presents the person and character of Jesus, and invites young children to start their journey with Him.

Yeral received the Superbook Book of Hope as a gift from his local church. He was so excited because they introduced him to Jesus.

“I had a regular life before,” Yeral says of his day-to-day existence in his home nation of the Dominican Republic.

“But now I feel good because I met Jesus!” he exults. “With Superbook I learned that God forgives us when we sin. I have changed my way of acting, and my mother changed, too.”

And today the whole family is following Jesus and attending church!

Yeral attended Bible Camp at his church and brought along his friends Salomon and Jhon. Now they are following Jesus, too.

This is the power of God’s Word to transform young lives and whole families. Thank you for sending the Book of Hope to Yeral and his community. It is making a major impact!

Matthew and Friends + Superbook = Children’s lives transformed by the power of God’s Word!


Some places in southern Asia have strong opposition to the Gospel because of radical nationalism.

In one majority Hindu region, Matthew and Friends is making a big difference! Local believers (“Matthews”) are equipped to step out in faith and share Christ with the children and youth in their neighborhoods. Their primary resources are a Superbook film, which highlights stories from the Bible and the Book of Hope.

And this Christmas season, they’ll be inviting children to Christmas parties — neighborhood events where young people can come for fun and games and see the Superbook film. It will share the Christmas story and the message of salvation. 

Boys and girls who see the film will be invited to accept Jesus and join in regular club meetings right in their neighborhood.


“My whole life, I had never heard about Jesus before,” said Pranay after she watched the Superbook film. “Through this film, I learned that Jesus loves us the most, and I wanted to know more about Him!”

With your support for Matthew and Friends in Southern Asia, local believers are able to show the film and distribute God’s Word to neighborhood children and invite them to meet regularly in their homes and study the Word together. 

Pranay’s testimony shows that it’s effective, and other children agree …

“I love the Superbook movie,” says Parv. “I came to know about Jesus and His miracles — and that Jesus rose from the dead. It makes me want to know more about Jesus.”

You also reached Kaia with God’s Word through Matthew and Friends. She says, “I like the Superbook movie. I got to know about Jesus Christ, who came for us, and who loves us no matter what.”

Thank you for sharing the love of Jesus with Pranay, Parv, Kaia, and thousands more children and youth in Southern Asia.


You’ve created a tremendous legacy, sharing God’s life-transforming Word with the next generation — and we’re grateful for your partnership!

Now you can build upon this foundation and perhaps make your greatest contribution to ministry yet: you can include OneHope in your will or estate plan.

Most people’s largest donations aren’t what they give to their favorite charities during their lifetime, but what they’re able to leave behind in their will or estate plan. 

You can leave a set amount or choose to leave a percentage of the estate after taxes and other distributions. This helps provide for the surviving spouse and remaining family members as well.

Including OneHope in your will or estate plan gives you the opportunity to decide for yourself how you want to be remembered by:

  • Providing for your loved ones.
  • Leaving a testimony that honors God and reflects your values and priorities.
  • Continuing to make an eternal impact through ministries you care about — like changing the eternal destinies of children by sharing God’s Word through OneHope.

Give this information to your lawyer to include a bequest for OneHope: OneHope, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation (Tax ID 27-1398241), located at 600 SW 3rd Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33060.

For more information on how to include OneHope in your will or trust, please contact April Floria at aprilfloria@onehope.net or 1.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425). She will be happy to help you with any further questions you might have.



Magdalene had a prominent birthmark on her leg — one that she was sure made her look disfigured if anyone saw it. Trying to hide her ugliness from the world made her shy. Maybe if no one ever looked at her at all … they wouldn’t notice the mark on her leg.

In her African island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe, there’s little hope of having a birth defect repaired — about 66% of the population struggles for survival on less than $3.20 per day. And the country ranks high on the gender inequality index1 … leaving a girl like Magdalene with very little hope until…

She received the Book of Hope and learned about the love of Jesus, who came to save her and gave His life for her!

“We studied in the Book of Hope about self-esteem, and I discovered, among other things, that Jesus loves me the way I am. Everything has changed! I thank God for these studies!”

1 “São Tomé and Príncipe,” accessed May 21, 2021, https://www.wfp.org/countries/sao-tome-and-principe


Maria was delighted to receive visitors from the local church, especially because they brought the Book of Hope for all seven of her children … and groceries for the family, too. Things have been hard during the pandemic, and this was a real blessing.


Pastor Balbir launched a Children’s Club in the neighborhood of his church, using OneHope materials to introduce young people to Jesus. It was a success! Dozens of children attended, and three young people accepted Christ and are now growing in their faith as they attend Pastor Balbir’s church. This is a real breakthrough in this limited access nation.


Local youth workers had been looking for some way to engage teenagers with God’s Word, and Lead Today turned out to be just what they needed! Designed to help young people come to faith in Christ and grow with biblical leadership principles, Lead Today is making an impact on Zambia’s next generation.

God’s Word. Every Child.


Our partners in Southern Asia report they’re already seeing an overwhelming response to the Superbook film and Book of Hope!

Through our Matthew and Friends program, local believers, called “Matthews” (and named for the apostle who brought others to Jesus), are trained to start children’s clubs in their homes, introducing local young people to Jesus. They’re learning to use the Superbook film in different homes across a majority of the Hindu region. 

Many of these believers encounter daily challenges, including persecution and strong opposition to the Gospel. Yet in spite of this, our partners continue to share God’s Word with children. They are partners like Pastor Lakshman. 

Pastor Lakshman’s church didn’t have a children’s ministry. When the congregation hosted village showings of the Superbook film, the local children loved it! They were moved by the story of Jesus and wanted to know more.

Since so many children wanted to learn more about Jesus, the church launched a brand-new children’s ministry. There are now 40 children in regular attendance. Praise God!

Pastor Lakshman is thrilled — this project has encouraged him and his church to step up and reach more children with the Good News. Please pray for this pastor and his efforts as he continues using the Superbook film to share God’s Word with the next generation 

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$1 shares the Gospel with 3 children. HOw many will you reach?