March 2022 Global Report
You’re showing children like Mot’sabi the way to new life!
It was hard enough being an orphan in the African nation of Lesotho. Half the population lives below the poverty level. And in Mot’sabi’s rural village, hunger was a fact of life.
“I live with my caretakers,” Mot’sabi says of her foster parents, but what made a difference for her — and the whole village — is OneHope’s Foundations for Farming program. It’s a whole system that not only shares the Scriptures but gives sound agricultural advice as well.
“Ever since we implemented the program, I am able to go to school, I have clothes, and I live a normal life because of the sale of produce from the harvest,” Mot’sabi says, rejoicing.

She chose to follow Jesus … and began sharing the stories she learned with her mother, who also came to faith in Christ!
This is the power of God’s Word, spoken or written or conveyed in simple illustrations. This is the power of God’s Big Story!
by President Rob Hoskins
The distractions of our world today are many. They could easily pull OneHope off mission if we’d let them … or let up.
But for the sake of the next generation, we must not be turned from what matters most.
Really, for OneHope, nothing matters more than wholeheartedly pursuing this mission — to affect destiny by providing God’s eternal Word to all the children and youth of the world.
While each of our lives are filled with tasks and obligations due to the different roles we fill, we can’t let the busyness of life distract us from continually pointing people to Christ.
This is a reminder for you — and for me, too — don’t get bogged down, off track, disunified, or distracted. Focus on what God has called you to do — share His story. We’re part of one mission, one Church body, one victorious ending.
God’s Word brings about transformation, and we are invited to participate in sharing it with others. Inviting them to move from darkness into light. From bondage into freedom. From hopelessness to hope. Nothing matters more.

Superbook to the rescue!
Asmita was born into a Hindu family, and lives in a majority Hindu nation, where Christians may be at risk for persecution, and it’s sometimes difficult to share the Gospel …
Nevertheless, committed Christians reach out to their neighbors day by day, and a few years ago Asmita’s parents committed their lives to Christ!
At just 7 years old, Asmita didn’t really understand what was happening. Hinduism had never meant much to her, and now worshipping Jesus didn’t mean much either. And as she grew older, she became a mischievous and disrespectful young girl!
Her parents found her stubborn and defiant — and when the lockdowns began, her behavior grew even worse…
That’s when Asmita’s friend from church sent her a link to our Superbook videos, the Scripture-based animated series from our friends at the Christian Broadcasting Network. Asmita was delighted with the videos!
Suddenly the Bible stories and Jesus talk she had been hearing at church began to make sense to her. Her behavior began to change as she tried harder to please God and her parents.
Today she has committed her life to Christ, and she eagerly shares her faith with her friends.
Thank you for sending God’s Word to help Asmita find new life in Christ!
• Scripture programs in 199 languages.
• Sharing God’s Word with children in every nation on earth (digital, print, film).
• Every 5 seconds 8 children have received God’s Word!

The very first Book of Hope was given to every schoolchild in the nation of El Salvador in 1987.

During the Cold War, God opened the door to reach children in the former USSR with His Word! To date you have shared the Gospel with more than 124 million children and youth in Russia!

From the beginning we’ve partnered with local churches that use OneHope programs to reach and disciple their children and youth.

The Bible App for Kids is the world’s most downloaded online children’s Bible, and the Kids Bible Experience has been added to the YouVersion app in English and Spanish.

Even in the limited access regions of the world, local believers are getting God’s Word to the next generation!

God’s Word for children who can’t read and may never learn? YES! With your support and prayers, The GodMan film and God’s Big Story were developed — and have reached millions!

In 1998 we reached the 50 millionth child — Tiffany in Peru.
Six years later we reached the 250 millionth child — Delasi in Ghana.
Four years later we reached the 500 millionth child — James in Colombia.
In 2014 we reached the 1 billionth child — Liu in Asia Pacific.
Seynabou lives in a region of Africa where 90% of the population is Muslim — and she comes from a Muslim family.
Her folks send her to Koranic school, where she learned that Jesus was a prophet … but then she received a special edition Book of Hope called The Friend Who Changed My Life. It was all about Jesus — but with one big difference:

This book showed Seynabou that Jesus is not only a prophet, He is the Son of God and Savior!
“He’s a Man who does good to everyone without exception,” Seynabou says today. “I loved the teaching of Jesus with the Samaritan woman and Nicodemus — He showed them love and showed them the way to eternal life.”
Seynabou committed her life to Christ, and now she is growing in her faith! Her school is adjacent to one of our partner churches where she can learn more about Jesus. Please pray for her to continue growing in her faith and for her family to come to Christ as well.
Thank you for reaching out with God’s Word for Muslim children!
Save the date — please join us!
Be part of our special God’s Word. Every Child.: A Night of Celebration digital event on March 22 at 7:00 p.m. EST. Join Bob and Rob Hoskins to hear reports from leaders from around the world, enjoy testimonies from children and youth, and see for yourself how God is working through your OneHope partnership!

Her dad disappeared — abandoned the family — and left them struggling in poverty. Elizabeth’s mom was ill, but she worked hard to try to put food on the table. Life was hard.
“I always thought it was my fault my dad left us,” Elizabeth says. “I felt no one loved me and thought I would always be sad.” But then she saw our OneHope Youth Film about Jesus …
“What got my attention was the part that God came to give life to the least important, the helpless, troubled, sad people,” Elizabeth says. That very day she gave her life to Christ.
“I feel very happy, and I’ve seen how God changed everything in my house! My mom got a better job, and everything is going well. I’ve seen how there is nothing our heavenly Father cannot do for us.”

Jaime has been participating in the Lead Today program, and she wants you to know, it has made a big difference for her! “The lesson on initiative impacted me the most,” she says. “It encouraged me to stop being lazy, and to be brave, like King David!”

Before Stiven had read the Book of Life, his young life was headed in the wrong direction. But after he read it, this 10-year-old’s eyes were opened to the truth that Jesus loves us and doesn’t want us to sin. Now he understands the importance of obeying his parents and doing what’s right!

Nicole wants to say thank you for the Superbook stories — they changed her life! “I learned about God’s purpose for my life, and it taught me to be generous and kind,” she says. “It changed a lot, because I learned to be a better person in every way, and it brought peace to my family, too.”
God’s Word. Every Child.
Andra was a rebellious teen like so many of his friends in Venezuela. His mother was a Christian, and she tried to get him to go to church — but he didn’t want anything to do with that!
Instead, he chose to be rude and disrespectful to his family and spend his time getting into trouble with his friends. With the economic and social chaos in his country, plus the added stress of the pandemic and lockdowns — it was no wonder he wanted an escape!
But then you made it possible for him to attend a special program called the Journey of Life with other teenagers. For the first time, he was able to experience the truth that, despite the difficult circumstances, God had never abandoned him. There was still a better future for him!

Andra’s favorite lesson was called “God Conquers,” and it explained how Jesus conquered sin and death through His surrender on the cross and resurrection.
“It was surprising God defeated the enemy with His own death,” Andra recalls. “It showed me that we can overcome any difficulties we are facing through a true relationship with God.”
Today Andra is following Jesus, and worshipping with his family in church, where he is learning and growing in God. Thank you for reaching out to Andra with the hope of Jesus!