May 2020 Global Report


Reinventing is the order of the day in much of the world — especially now.

Our leaders in Guatemala, sheltering in place and working from home, are innovating with technology to continue sharing God’s life-transforming Word with the people in their nation!

Even in remote areas, the Internet enables our teams to continue ministering!

In populous areas, people are required to stay inside their homes unless they’re accessing food or medicine. In distant villages, ministry teams are still able to visit — and they’re delivering food, clothing, and other aid as needed. They’re also sharing the Book of Hope with children and young people and sharing our ministry films.

Meanwhile, pastors are conducting church services online, sharing digital ministry resources, and using WhatsApp to keep in touch with their church members. One pastor has devised an online devotional program for families with children. Another pastor disciples Christian teens every Thursday using Zoom, equipping them to reach out to their peers with the Good News.

The result of all this reinvention: More young people are contacting our ministry teams, asking to know about Jesus! As one leader puts it simply: “This is beautiful!”

Yes, it’s a difficult time for all of us. But as one leader in Guatemala says: “God always gives us the means for His Word to be shared!”

Today, your gift to share the Gospel with the next generation will be DOUBLED in impact by the $500,000 Crisis of Hope Matching Challenge.

Even a crisis can open a door

by President Rob Hoskins

Word travels faster in our world than it ever has before, thanks to technology. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is leveraging digital
means to stay connected.

I use YouVersion’s Bible App to engage with ministry partners globally. The shared Bible reading plans and the newly added feature of Prayer components within the app have proven to be an easy and accessible way to stay connected digitally, even while apart.

In a recent report OneHope produced in partnership with Barna, we did a deep dive to see ways that culture is influencing the spiritual lives of children in the United States. One aspect of the study assessed the influx of technology and revealed that the number one predictor of spiritual health in a child is that they read the Bible regularly.

Yet, we see church attendance and Scripture engagement decreasing as kids age.

While the COVID-19 crisis is disrupting nearly every aspect of our day-to-day lives, we are looking at this as an opportunity to help turn the tide of
these trends. Families have the ability to develop new habits around family Bible study, prayer, and worship during this time at home.

Churches are incorporating this pivotal element of spiritual growth, too. OneHope developed Feed youth ministry resources to promote biblically based conversations for this generation to grapple with deep questions.

By God’s grace, we have an unprecedented chance for the Kingdom — to intentionally invest in the lives of the next generation first by helping them biblically navigate the information and changes around them, and second by encouraging a fresh season of renewed Scripture engagement by providing access to incredible and effective digital tools and resources.

COVID-19: crisis creates demand for God’s Word!

It may feel like no one saw it coming, but God did. The COVID-19 pandemic was no surprise to Him, and through it, He is making a way for OneHope to continue sharing God’s Word with the next generation.

One limited access country virtually shut down our print programs — but the team rapidly switched to online programs, trained 1,000 local leaders via the web, and already children have been reached through digital means!

In addition to the digital space, another area where sharing God’s Word continues even during the global pandemic is in limited access nations and other areas that are difficult to reach.

Many of our partners in limited access areas, refugee camps, and the poorest communities are also involved in works of mercy and compassion.

Impoverished children and families are relying on them, so these outreaches to share the Gospel continue even during the pandemic (with every effort to keep our partners and the people they serve safe and healthy). Our partners are sharing God’s Word even as they share life-saving aid. And they’re asking for more resources right now.

Deprivation leads to a hunger not only for physical food, but for spiritual answers as well. Those who are suffering are anxious to find hope, and a crisis like COVID-19 creates a demand for God’s Word … it’s an unprecedented opportunity for the Kingdom.

The crisis created a demand for HOPE!

Now is the time to increase your legacy

Many people wonder if they can be certain of any investment in these seemingly uncertain days.

Our answer is: YES! There is one place you can make an investment today that will yield eternal dividends: you can invest in reaching the next generation with God’s Word and make a life-transforming

Your significant gift, establishment of a charitable gift annuity, or a gift from your IRA or Donor Advised Fund will help build upon the legacy of love you’ve begun through your support for OneHope.

Now is a great time to make a disbursement from your Donor Advised Fund or IRA because it will yield a wonderful tax advantage — in addition to showing children and youth the way to new life in Christ.

If you have any questions about how to establish this legacy of sharing God’s Word, please contact April Floria at today.

What If It’s True? Online program introducing Muslim youth to Jesus!

More than 945,000 young people in limited access nations have engaged with God’s Word through our What If It’s True? program since its online launch.

Right now, the program is touching young lives in 25 nations of the Middle East, North Africa, Central Eurasia, and elsewhere in seven different languages.

These nations are not only limited access, but most are majority Muslim nations — where young people might never meet another believer or hear the Gospel message.

This digital program takes young people through an online journey that introduces them to Jesus through God’s Word and also connects them with believers in their area.

Our faith goal this year is for 1.65 million young people to access the program, and to go live with an additional two languages. Please keep praying for the next generation in the Islamic world — and thank you for reaching out to them through the What If It’s True? program.

The Bible App for Kids is one of the most popular online children’s Bibles in the world!

The Bible App for Kids is our digital program created in partnership with the popular online Bible, YouVersion. It is continually updated to keep children engaged and tells the major stories of the Bible to help little ones come to faith in Christ.
➢ It is available in more than 50 languages — with more to be added this year!
➢ It has been installed more than 40 million times.
➢ It has been used on every continent on earth.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bible App for Kids continues to engage children with the Word of God and introduce them to Jesus.

The life-transforming Word – and a face mask

The nation of Italy was hit hard by COVID-19, and even now efforts continue to stop the spread of the virus and deal with the horrifying aftermath.

But on Easter, you helped send hope and practical aid to Italy’s next generation: our partner churches prepared and delivered Easter dinners along with a packet for children that included the Book of Hope and a procedural mask to help fight the coronavirus!

One Italian pastor sent this message:

“Please, please don’t stop sending OneHope materials — we must share the story now — people need and want the Gospel like never before.”

Your gift will provide God’s Word and be DOUBLED by the Crisis of Hope Matching Challenge!

Crisis of Hope Matching Challenge

Your gift DOUBLED to reach the next generation with God’s Word

Your gift today will be DOUBLED to provide God’s life-transforming Word for twice as many children and youth all over the world — even during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Under normal circumstances, each $1 reaches three children and youth.

Today, because of the challenge, each $1 will become $2…

And reach SIX young people with the Gospel!

For a limited time only, your gift will be DOUBLED – every $1 will provide the Good News for SIX young people across the globe!

Life transformed by holiday outreach!

He lives in a nation where Christians are persecuted — where ancient Asian religions are strong despite the official governmental position in favor of atheism.

But by God’s grace, believers were allowed to share God’s Word in school outreaches last Christmas season — and 13-year-old Ikaika learned about Jesus for the very first time …

Now he has trusted Christ as Savior! Thanks for sending the Good News to him and his limited access nation.


In a Buddhist nation, you showed her Jesus!

LIMITED ACCESS NATION – Christians are routinely ostracized and outcast in a traditionally Buddhist country — yet this is where you found Myia.

You sent the illustrated cards of God’s Big Story to her village — and once she had memorized those stories, she also received the Book of Hope.

Today, Myia is following Jesus Christ as her Savior!

Thank you for sending God’s Word to transform her young life.



Victory went to our Lead Today program and realized she could become a true leader and influence others around her while maintaining integrity and strength of character. She began to use the principles she was learning and has already led 12 of her friends to faith in Christ! They’re continuing to engage with Lead Today together. Just imagine the impact these young Christian men and women will make for their communities and their nation in the years to come.


Our partners had tried many times to share God’s Word within a particular school, but each time they contacted the principal, she politely declined their request. Many children and teachers had requested the Book of Hope, so the team returned one more time — and this time they brought a small gift for the principal and told her they just wanted to pray for her and her family. This expression of love and concern melted her heart! She allowed them to share the Book of Hope with all of the students!

God’s Word. Every Child. Sons of a radical anti-Christian activist find hope in Christ!

He didn’t want any foreign religion in his majority-Hindu nation. Surjan was an orthodox Hindu and the head of an orthodox Hindu family.

They were well-to-do with Surjan working as a real estate broker, and his wife Shiri working as a driving instructor. They had pride in their country and their religious heritage, and Surjan felt it was important to do all he could to protect it.

So he had joined a radical nationalist political party years ago. This activist group didn’t balk at using violence to shut down churches and persecute Christians and other religious minorities …

But then Surjan’s sons Sanjid and Suras received the Book of Hope. They were very excited to read the book, and although Surjan believed it was Christian literature … he didn’t want to take it away when it was giving such joy to his 10-year-old and 6-year-old boys.

Today, both boys have chosen to follow Jesus Christ as Savior!

And while Surjan and Shiri are glad that the boys are so joyful in their walk with Jesus … as parents they are still nervous to have Christians in their family — but they are allowing the boys to attend Sunday school — and the local church is praying the parents will soon come to know Jesus, too.

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$1 shares the Gospel with 3 children. HOw many will you reach?