May 2023 Global Report

You showed a Muslim boy the way to Jesus!

Joshua’s birth name was Ibrahim — his Muslim family named him in honor of the patriarch we would call Abraham.

The family lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a nation undergoing economic crisis, social upheaval, violence — and a growing tendency toward extremist Islam.

Ibrahim was invited to a showing of our Lumo Project Films derivative about Jesus called The Way. After seeing the Gospel on the big screen, Ibrahim dedicated his life to Christ!

His parents were enraged and threw him out of the house — but his new church family took him in, providing him with a place to stay and food to eat.

Today he is learning and growing in God at his local church. He has been baptized and works in the OneHope program, telling other young people about Jesus!

And he chose a new name for himself, Joshua, after the deliverer who was the Old Testament symbol of Jesus the Savior. Thank you for showing Joshua the way to new life!

Get God’s Word to twice as many children and youth like Joshua!

$1,000,000 No Borders Matching Challenge

Your gift DOUBLED — every $1 reaches 6 young people

Chile Program Highlights

Our Lumo Project Film series on the life of Christ was broadcast nationwide on ENLACE TV.

The Royal Family Book of Hope connects children who often struggle because of fractured families or domestic violence with the truth that they are part of a royal family, the family of God.

Avivemos is our Latin America program that empowers churches to unite and reach out to the next generation. In Spanish, Avivemos means “We’re building it up,” or, as our leadership team describes it, “We’re fanning the flames.”

We’re fanning the flames of a great move of the Holy Spirit in Chile and across Latin America!

Fast facts

Chile Facts*

  • Population: 19.5 million+
  • 17% of the population identifies as nonreligious

Ministry Facts

  • OneHope’s 2023 faith goal for Chile is 90,000
  • In 2022, Lumo was broadcast in Chile through Enlace TV
  • Avivemos is reaching kids through Family Edition Book of Hope to help them discover what a healthy family looks like

Tom Phillips, “Hope and Doubt Among Venezuelan Refugees with Country at Fork in Road,” The Guardian, January 9, 2023,
“Venezuela Situation,” UNHCR, accessed January 16, 2023,

My Story of Hope

Daniel in Chile did not have a lot of hope in his life … he and his brother were both brokenhearted when their dad abandoned them.

Although Daniel’s mom had to work very hard and long hours to provide for them, she tried to be sure he always went to church.

There he received the Royal Family Book of Hope, a Scripture book with an emphasis on helping children understand their place in the family of God, even when their own family may be broken.

The “royal” mascot of the program is LeonEL the Lion. At Daniel’s church, there’s a plush toy lion that represents LeonEL … and each month one student takes the toy home to care for it between Sundays.

Daniel had his turn — and somehow from the story of Jesus in his Book of Hope and the delight of having the little stuffed lion, Daniel began to feel the love of God, the Father who will never leave him or forsake him.

Today Daniel and his mom are both experiencing hope and healing through their church, and feeling the joy of having a church family that’s helping them through tough times. Thanks for showing Daniel that he is part of a royal family, the family of God.

Thanks for showing Daniel that he is part of the family of God.


The Bible App for Kids


Created in partnership with YouVersion, the most downloaded online Bible, the Bible App for Kids, was specifically designed with children ages 5-8 in mind, but we’ve found that children as young as 2 years old are engaging with it on phones and tablets.

We salute Bob for being faithful to his calling, and thank you, dear partner, for being faithful, too.

It brings the Bible to life with animation and activities — fun yet powerful mechanisms — for conveying Scripture’s metanarrative in a way that children can easily understand.

Today, by God’s grace, the Bible App for Kids has been installed 100 million times and is available in 66 languages worldwide.

It is taking the Gospel to places where the printed Word cannot go. The Bible App for Kids is a perfect resource for reaching into limited access regions with the life-changing power of God’s Word!

My life changed!

Ismael in Mexico was always a serious child — it was his older brother Luis who was the clown and sometimes a bully, too, trying to fight with Ismael.

Then their mother downloaded the Bible App for Kids for them, and they began playing the games and experiencing the Bible stories together.

“My life changed because I learned God loves me,” Ismael says.

We asked, “Why OneHope?” and friends like you answered!

OneHope has the greatest family of support in the world — and we thank God for you every day! Here is what some OneHope partners like you had to say about their involvement with the vision of God’s Word. Every Child.

I’ve been involved with OneHope since 1988. I have even led teams in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania — and in South Africa: the Granny Brigade, taking grandmothers to reach children with God’s Word. Best years of my life! —Miriam

I pray that I will be able to leave the generations that come after me something worthwhile, and what is more worthwhile than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. —Richard

The knowledge of God is such a guide for life…. I want to help children become Christians as much as I can. —Martha

I am excited to support OneHope because it is able to reach out to so many hopeless children…. They seem to have no future. But OneHope brings hope to the hopeless. —Wayne


No Borders Matching Challenge — $1,000,000 challenge fund doubles your impact

The No Borders Matching Challenge fund will DOUBLE every donation up to $1,000,000 and reach at least 6 million children and youth with God’s Word in limited access regions — places where Christians are at risk of persecution and there’s opposition to the Gospel.

2 billion more? YES! The new Vision 2033

By OneHope President Rob Hoskins

On February 28, 2023, OneHope reached our 2 billionth child with God’s Word since 1987. Praise God!

People say, “Wow, you reached 2 billion children with God’s Word!” and every time, I want to jump into the middle of their sentence and say, “No, no. OneHope as an organization didn’t reach 2 billion kids on our own. It’s the global Church that we serve around the world that did.”

Churches and organizations worldwide joined with us in Vision 2030, the framework for reaching children and youth all over the world in the 20 years between 2010 and 2030. But several months ago, that vision changed:

I was meeting with some of our major Kingdom partners from around the world, and they were dreaming about 2033, a historic date when we will celebrate the 2,000-year anniversary of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and the day of Pentecost.

During that meeting, the Lord just spoke to me and said, “It’s taken you 35 years to reach 2 billion children. I want you to reach 2 billion children in the next 10 years.”

I know this seems like an audacious goal. It seems like something that is beyond our natural abilities. However, you know God loves moving beyond our natural abilities and doing things through the power of His Holy Spirit.

This new Vision 2033 doesn’t just include reaching 2 billion kids in the next 10 years; it also means equipping the Church to catalyze a movement and building capacity and sustainability in the global Church to disciple the next generation.

To whom more is given, more is expected. We need to be faithful to our call to do more than we’ve ever done before. God has given us more capacity and more abundance and more blessings in the Church of today, so our answer today and every day is, “Lord, yes. We’re going to fulfill this vision of God’s Word. Every Child.” Are you ready to go on a journey with us to reach 2 billion more in the next 10 years?



Rethabile is an orphan cared for by her grandmother. It’s a difficult life, but she feels fortunate because she also has a church family and Bible club she attends with other children.

“The Sunday school teachers teach me about God’s love for me through Stories of Hope,” she says. “The program helps me learn God’s Word through memorizing Scripture.”


Patricia was plunged into grief when her father died. She was only 6 years old — and by the time she was 12, she had become bitter and rebellious.

“I thought that God was to blame for everything bad that happened to me,” she says. But then she was invited to a Bible Club and received the Book of HopeToday she is following Christ as Savior!

God’s Word. Every Child.

You may have saved his life!

Enelesi was born into extreme poverty in South Africa.

She was forced into marriage as an adolescent — because that’s one way for poor families in her culture to put food on the table: marry off a daughter for money so there’s one less mouth to feed …

But Enelesi was just a teen, unprepared to be a wife — and then found out her mother had a terminal illness and her little brother would be left homeless, an orphan. Enelesi left her “marriage” to care for her dying mother and little brother. Her husband divorced her.

This young girl was plunged into the chaos of trying to provide for her family on her own. She had been trying to finish school but was forced to quit and find work. She was struggling just to keep her family alive.

That’s when you stepped in through the local church and the OneHope Journey to Hope program.

Her church rallied around her and her family to help Enelesi and her brother survive and care for their mom. And our Journey to Hope showed Enelesi that God loves her and is with her.

Although some neighbors tried to talk her into marrying again as soon as possible — although she is only 17 — what she learned through Journey to Hope helped her rely on her faith and have the self-confidence to forge ahead for herself and her little brother.

“Learning that God cares for me is enough assurance for today and tomorrow,” she says.

Thank you for sending God’s Word to show Enelesi the way to new life!

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$1 shares the Gospel with 3 children. HOw many will you reach?