October 2020 Global Report

A life-changing Christmas party – in a nation where Christians are at risk

According to the Open Doors’ World Watch List, Christians in Alisha’s country are at extreme risk for persecution — and 89% of the persecution aimed at believers is violent.

This predominantly Hindu nation is one where radical nationalism inflames anti-Christian sentiment.

But like many other Asian nations … the Christmas season is paradoxically celebrated here because people enjoy the decorations, lights, songs, and gift-giving.

That’s how Alisha ended up at a Christmas party in her neighborhood — where she got to celebrate, play with other children, and watch a movie that told the true story of Christmas: our SuperBook Christmas film.

Alisha loved learning about the baby Jesus and watching His life story unfold on screen. She was stunned by Jesus’ death on the cross and thrilled to see His resurrection!

Then, she learned that this was a true story … and she chose to dedicate her life to Christ!

Thank you for sending God’s Word to show Alisha the hope of Jesus. The Christmas season is coming up — and we want to reach 6.2 million children like her through our Christmas in Asia outreaches.

Please help us prepare today, and pray for the millions of children who will encounter Jesus this holiday season.

Christmas is coming – and it’s the perfect time to share God’s Word

by President Rob Hoskins

I remember years ago — when my daughters were much younger — the excitement in the days leading up to Christmas. A sense of anticipation filled the house, and I loved how their eyes grew wide with excitement as they finally got to tear into their presents on Christmas morning.

In many cultures, the celebration of Christmas is primarily marked by gift-giving. Some people spend months saving for, planning, and finally purchasing that perfect gift for their loved ones.

But no gift bought in a store compares to the truly perfect gift of Christ in a manger.

The commercialization of Christmas is on the rise in much of the world. Each year, companies invest substantial resources to promote the holiday season and push their offerings — which has actually benefitted Kingdom work.

Global interest in holiday festivities means opportunities to present people with the Gospel — the true story of Christmas.

I have always known that Christmas is an important season for ministry, but I’m reminded just how wide open the door is for sharing the Good News because of the importance many countries around the world place on this holiday.

By God’s grace, OneHope will reach millions of young people through Christmas outreaches this year. Each one is a child with a story, with hopes and dreams, just like my own daughters. I am praying that these young people will have powerful encounters with God’s Word as they learn how Christ, the greatest gift to humanity, arrived in the world.


Bible App for Kids – One of the most popular children’s Bible apps has reached 50 million installs! Praise God with us for this milestone. On every continent on earth, children are receiving God’s Word through smartphones and tablets. Thank you for your prayers and generosity — they help make it possible.

A beautiful transformation!

Yajna’s family was nominally Christian, but she didn’t know Jesus, and didn’t really care to learn more.

But then the local church began offering a Bible Club with OneHope programs, and Yajna became enthralled with the Scriptures.

“Now I love going to Sunday School, and I love studying the Holy Bible,” she says.

“I am different from before. Thank you for sending the wonderful books! God bless you!”

Her life is being transformed by the power of God’s Word! And amazingly, her story comes from a nation which is on the Open Doors’ World Watch List for countries where it’s dangerous to be a Christian.

Buddhism is the dominant religion and seen as part of being a citizen — to reject Buddhism is seen as very nearly traitorous. Churches are routinely attacked. Governmental restrictions put Christians at risk — and “Buddhist only” communities refuse to let Christian families use communal benefits and services.

Nevertheless, our church partners stay strong in their faith, and are dedicated to reaching the next generation with God’s Word, even as they risk their own safety.

Thank you for helping millions of children and youth like Yajna learn about the love of Jesus, even in nations where Christians are persecuted! You are changing lives through the power of God’s Word.

Christmas in Asia: at least 6.2 million children and youth to receive the Good News!

The Christmas Story of Hope led him to Jesus… now he’s leading others to faith!

Akuma received the Christmas Story of Hope special-edition Book of Hope last Christmas. He chose to follow Jesus — and took the book to school, where he used it to lead two friends to faith in Christ!

Asia Pacific – Christmas: The Story of Hope

The Christmas season is the perfect time for churches in Asia Pacific to engage with their communities by explaining why Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas.

Many of their cultures are rooted in the celebration of festivals, and they enjoy the commercialization of Christmas. It’s one of the few, if not only, times during the year where people in this region want to learn more about Jesus and the Gospel message.

Children and teens receive Christmas: The Story of Hope Book of Hope at a community event. The book has been developed specifically for Christmas outreaches.

The comic-like Book of Hope appeals directly to children and youth. They enjoy reading comics, and this Scripture piece presents the story of Jesus in a relevant and dynamic manner. Churches distribute these books all throughout the community through large public venues, malls, train stations, and community centers during the month of December. The books are distributed during and after Christmas programs, which feature skits, dramas, singing, caroling, gift giving, and preaching.

We expect to reach 2.7 million young people in Asia Pacific this Christmas!

Southern Asia – Christmas Book of Hope

The Southern Asia Christmas Book of Hope was developed to help children understand that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth, not a secular holiday.

As such, Jesus’ role as the one true God is emphasized, and His tremendous love for all of us is shared. The book helps children better understand and appreciate just how much they are valued and loved by God and leads them to faith in Christ!

It will be used this year in nations where believers are at risk of persecution, but local Christians are ready to share the Good News. Thanks for helping to make this outreach possible.

This Christmas, we expect the Southern Asia Christmas Book of Hope and other outreaches to reach 3.5 million young people with the Gospel!

Eurasia – The Promised One: The Story of Christmas

The Promised One: The Story of Christmas is a special-edition Book of Hope that features rich, vibrantly colored illustrations, coupled with an easy-to-read layout.

Designed specifically for the Christmas season, it walks children through promises God made to His people from the beginning of time and how they were fulfilled with the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Because the text is very simple, it is easy to translate into various languages for different nations of the Eurasia region.

Where in the world is Eurasia?

A unique mission field, and home to over 319 million children and youth 14 years old or younger, Eurasia is a vast area that spans dozens of nations.

On a world map, you see no clear distinction between the continents of Asia and Europe — thus the entire land mass is known as Eurasia.

It’s a region of extremes, geographically and socially. It includes snow-bound Siberia and the burning sands of North African deserts. The religious contrasts can be seen not only in vast areas where Islam dominates, but other age-old traditions and tribal religions as well.

The region has posed a problem for Christian missions because of the geography and the traditional religions … but today we have partners at work in many nations, sharing the Good News with the next generation!


VENEZUELA — He connected with God’s Word and was transformed!

Juan was a single dad — and he couldn’t get 10-year-old Ivan to behave!

The times are tumultuous in Venezuela, and Juan was working long hours just to provide … the rebellion and disrespect of his son were not helpful!

But then Ivan received the Bible App for Kids Book of Hope, a special-edition Book of Hope with text and illustrations from the app. Ivan loved it! The more he read about Jesus, and the price the Savior had paid for his salvation, the more he felt like he had to change his ways.

He began attending the local church which had given him the book, and at home, he shared his faith with his father and encouraged Juan to pray with him! Today, Juan reports his son’s attitudes and behavior have changed dramatically.

“He always encourages me to seek God.”

Thanks for helping Ivan, and his dad, find their way to faith in Christ.


Maximilia was excited to go to Bible camp in her hometown, Nairobi, Kenya. She comes from a poor family, being raised by a single mom, so going to camp was a treat. But she didn’t realize, there she would receive the Book of Hope and meet Jesus! She has since led her mother and sister to choose Jesus as Savior, too.


Aily was already following Jesus, but when her father downloaded the Bible App for Kids for her, she was very excited to be able to learn more about Him, and to share the app with her friends at school, too. “I am very interested to read the stories and continue to know the wonders of God,” she says happily.


José had quit school and was spending his days on the streets with friends, drinking, smoking, and even getting into drugs. But when the OneHope team from a local church reached out to him, he started spending his time with them, learning about Jesus. Today, he has chosen to follow Christ as Savior!

We’ve just published the results of Global Youth Culture, our multi-nation research project covering the trends and behaviors of today’s teenagers — and we want to share the findings with you! Download the report now at


God’s Word. Every Child.

Angry, helpless, hopeless, lost – until …

Yaisiry’s parents were Christians, and her family went to church in their hometown in the Dominican Republic.

But something drove a wedge between Yaisiry and God: she was sexually abused by a member of her family.

The abuse began when she was 9 years old and went on for years. When she tried to tell her mother, her abuser accused her of lying — and her mother refused to believe her.

Finally, when she was 12, Yaisiry told this secret to a friend, and this friend helped her get her parents to listen to the truth.

The abuse stopped … but it was too late for Yaisiry’s mental and emotional health. Like many victims of sexual abuse, she hated and blamed herself. She was angry with her parents for not protecting her — and she began chasing boys.

For five long years, she burned inside with rage and hatred. But then, when she was 17, she saw one of our OneHope Youth Films featuring LUMO at her school.

“Right from that day, I returned to the arms of my Jesus,” Yaisiry says today. “Despite everything, I feel full of peace … I have a new route that has nothing to do with my past. My new route says that God loves me, and that is enough.”

Thank you for sending God’s Word to bring hope and healing to Yaisiry!

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