Millions of children globally live without hope. Your gift today can change a child’s life.

Donate now to bring hope to the next generation .

Change Starts with Truth

Daniel’s community in Colombia is a place where alcoholism and illicit drug use are common. By the time he was a teenager, Daniel had been dragged into that scene. But then, he was invited to join our Lead Today program and began discovering how his life could have purpose and meaning through Jesus Christ. He committed his life to Christ, and today he says: “I can say everything has changed for me, and I have a goal and a vision to reach.…I know I can influence the lives of others, and that from my position, I can begin to lead.”

Become a Change Maker

Millions of children around the world are still waiting to experience the Good News of the Gospel. When the next generation receives God’s Word, it opens the door for entire families, communities, and nations to come to know and love Jesus. You have the opportunity to share the truth of God’s Word with young people globally by partnering with us. 

OneHope creates innovative Scripture engagement programs specific to cultural contexts. Your support will allow children to receive and understand God’s Word, and will connect them with a local body of believers who will continue to disciple them as they learn and grow.

As a financial partner, you are a co-laborer in our mission to take God’s Word to Every Child. It takes just $1 to share the Gospel with three children. How many lives will you impact?

Why OneHope?

1.8 Billion

Children and youth reached


Different Languages


Active Programs