Asia Pacific


Children Reached


Population age 0-14

Despite the strong presence of Buddhism, Taoism, atheism, and Islam, ministry in this region is flourishing and doors of opportunity continue to open each year.

With over 1,000,000,000 in the broader Asia Pacific region, OneHope is positioning itself to reach the next generation in this area of the world. Increased partnerships and fruitful ministry are reasons for great optimism in the region.

Regional Breakdown

East Asia

Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan

Peninsular Asia

Cambodia, Japan, Thailand


Southeast Asia

Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu

*Limited Access Nations are not listed.

Download the Regional Summary Below!

Nyunt’s Story

Nyunt lives in a predominantly Buddhist country where Christians are often persecuted and treated as traitors. But when Nyunt received the Book of Hope and began attending a Bible club at a local church, he learned the truth about Jesus. And he chose to follow Christ as Savior! “I have decided to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, and slowly my life is changing,” Nyunt says. “Now my life is happy. I have passion in my heart and love for my brothers, sisters, and friends.”

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