Southern Asia


Children Reached


Population age 0-14

Despite the challenges of having to cover tough, remote terrain and evangelizing in predominantly Islamic areas, our staff and partners in this region continue to exemplify amazing resilience and faith.

While some nations claim may Christianity, it is often in name only, and in addition to other indigenous beliefs and religions. Our partners are often able to share the Gospel in this region by working through schools and training educators to teach values and character training with their students.


Matthew and Friends

In regions of Asia, cultural restrictions and persecution limit the way OneHope partners can safely conduct ministry. Matthew and Friends is a strategic initiative that empowers a growing network of believers to share God’s Word with their neighbors. This program allows children and families to experience God’s Word in the home of “Matthews,” a faith-filled ministry volunteer, based on the man in the Bible who brought his friends to meet Jesus. A new Superbook film and special-edition Book of Hope help the volunteer share the Good News.

OneHope Youth Films

OneHope Youth Films use breathtaking content to appeal to younger generations who have grown up in the digital age. In Southern Asia, these films are part of OneHope programs that take place primarily in small groups and homes. Through visual storytelling, young people have the opportunity to engage with truths from the Bible in a dynamic format.

Bible Clubs

In many communities in Southern Asia local church partners offer fun-filled, exciting Bible Clubs designed to bring children into a lifelong relationship with the One True God and his Son, Jesus. Depending on the area, these clubs may occur in a Sunday School setting or as an afterschool or summer program. God’s Big Story program, a collection of picture cards that depict Bible stories without written text, is used to teach children the overarching story of the Gospel. The teacher explains a new story each week, and the children take home a collectible card to show their family and friends. Then, the children return the next week to collect another card and learn a new story. When they receive all 16 cards, the pieces fit together to reveal the metanarrative of the Gospel.

*Limited Access Nations are not listed.

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Aarov’s Story

Aarov lives in a limited access nation. He worshiped many gods at a temple with his family. Aarov’s parents were often away working, so he skipped school and chewed tobacco. Then, Aarov received a Book of Hope at a children’s Bible club and chose to follow Christ! He’s back in school now and making wise decisions.

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