November 2023 Global Report

What If It’s True?

Quang came to university as a teenager alone and afraid.

She lives in a limited access region of Asia where the traditional religion and government are opposed to Christianity — but she also comes from a minority-indigenous group in this nation, and was always ostracized and marginalized.

Depressed and lonely, she visited our What If It’s True? website and began absorbing answers from Scripture to her most heartfelt questions … she connected with an online missionary … and dedicated her life to Christ!

She’s now on a journey to grow in her faith in Jesus together with her online faith community. Thank you for reaching out to her with God’s life-transforming Word!

Fast Facts

70 Limited Access Nations

45 Limited Access Nations with OneHope Programs

57,761,000 Limited Access Nations 2023 Faith Goal

Program Highlights

It’s often very difficult to share God’s Word in limited access nations where Christians are threatened with persecution. This makes digital programs a great option. Some of the most strategic:

Bible App for Kids and Kids Bible Experience

Popular Bible apps for children as young as 2 on up to preteens. They’re reaching millions!

What If It’s True?

What If It’s True? is the online program reaching young people in limited access nations. It has already reached more than 9 million young people around the world.

The Bridge

The Bridge is a webcomic for youth available in English, Tagalog (Philippines), and other languages. As teens read through the adventure, they can dig deeper into Scripture and connect with an online missionary.

Unfinished Story

This program begins with an ad on a web search page or social media, and engages young people to click through to the rest of the story — available across the Middle East and North Africa, as well as other limited access nations.

Roshan’s Story of Hope

Roshan’s family practiced very orthodox Hinduism — observing the correct rituals and making the appropriate offerings. This was very important in their majority-Hindu nation.

But when a neighbor invited the family to a Christian fellowship in his home and gave Roshan the Book of Hope, things began changing!

Roshan’s mother noticed that her daughter refused to pray to the idols representing gods in their home …

“They are all deaf and dumb, but Jesus is alive and cares for everyone,” she said. “Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead.”

Soon Roshan was attending her neighbor’s church, learning more about Jesus, and committed her life to Him! She was even able to share the faith with her mother, who is now a Christian, too.

It’s not easy to follow Jesus in a limited access region like the Hindu nation where they live, but there are local believers who are supporting them as they grow in their faith. Please pray with us for the whole family to find hope in Christ!

Thank you for sending God’s Word to transform Roshan and her mother. You can reach even more young people in limited access regions with the Good News today, and the $1,000,000 Greatest Gift Matching Challenge will double your impact.


The Muslim world … majority- Hindu nations … Buddhist regions … places where political or social systems are opposed to the Gospel —

These are limited access nations: regions where Christians may be at risk of persecution, where it’s difficult to share the Good News … and where the next generation desperately needs the truth of God’s Word!

We can’t give you the details of where OneHope is at work in these limited access nations, but this year our goal is to connect 57,761,000 children and youth with God’s Word in sensitive regions.

We’re close to the faith goal — by God’s grace and with your prayers and generosity — we’ll reach the final 8.3 million by year’s end: many through our massive Christmas outreaches!

But time is almost up — which is why we’re grateful for the $1,000,000 Greatest Gift Matching Challenge that is matching every gift for double impact at this critical moment. This means double impact to reach children and youth in limited access nations.

Strategic options for year–end giving …


Make your year-end giving count — consider these strategic options:

• A rollover gift from your IRA. If you’re 70½ years or older, you can give up to $100,000 without adding a penny to your taxable income. If you are 73 years or older, your gift will count toward your Required Minimum Distribution.

• A gift of appreciated assets. When you donate assets held for 12 months or more, rather than selling them and donating the proceeds, you get a tax deduction for the fair market value of the assets plus avoid capital gains tax, which means a greater gift to the ministry.

• A gift of cash. All gifts dated and postmarked by December 30 or given online by December 31, apply to this year’s taxes, as allowed by law. And your gift today can make double impact because of the Greatest Gift Matching Challenge!

Thank you for getting God’s Word to the next generation through strategic year-end giving!

Scan to give by December 31 midnight ET.


Limited Access

With leadership development and Bible literacy programs like Lead Today and Cultivate, you’re modeling discipleship for a new generation of Christian leaders — like Francis who came to faith through OneHope programs and is now his church’s youth pastor!


Luisa learned to share her faith through the Pathway to Hope program, and used what she learned to introduce her grown-up neighbor, Antonio, to Jesus. Today Antonio and his fiancée, Gloria, are attending church and growing in God along with Luisa!


Your gift of God’s Word made all the difference for 9-year-old Dafne! “I feel loved by my family, and I know we are loved by God,” she says. “I love the Word of God — I love being in the house of God and knowing that God accompanies me wherever I go.” Thanks for helping Dafne discover new life in Christ.

The Greatest Gift

By OneHope President Rob Hoskins

I remember years ago — when my daughters were much younger — the excitement that would build in the days leading up to Christmas.

A sense of anticipation filled the house, and I loved how their eyes grew wide with excitement as they finally got to tear into their presents on Christmas morning.

In many cultures, the celebration of Christmas is primarily marked by gift-giving. Researchers tell us that U.S. shoppers will, on average, spend $929 on gifts this holiday season. Some people spend months saving, planning, and finally purchasing that perfect gift for their loved ones, but no gift bought in a store compares to the truly perfect gift of Christ in a manger.

The commercialization of Christmas is on the rise. Each year, companies invest substantial resources to promote the holiday season and push their offerings — which has actually benefited Kingdom work.

Global interest in holiday festivities means opportunities to present people with the Gospel — the true story of Christmas. OneHope’s global Christmas outreaches have grown exponentially over the years. Just a few years ago, we distributed a little over 500,000 copies of our Christmas-edition Book of Hope throughout the Asia-Pacific region. By God’s grace, this year throughout Asia-Pacific, Southern Asia, and Eurasia, we’ll reach 8.8 million!

I have always known that Christmas is an important season for ministry, but these numbers remind me just how wide open the door is for sharing the Good News because of the importance countries around the world place on this celebration.

We’ll reach millions of young people through global Christmas outreaches this year. Each one of these millions is a child with a story, with hopes and dreams, just like my own daughters. I am praying that these young people will have powerful encounters with God’s Word as they learn how Christ, the greatest gift to humanity, arrived in this world.

When my dad first began OneHope, the minister of education of El Salvador asked for nearly one million Bibles to give to every child in the country. My dad didn’t have the money to create and print anywhere near a million Bibles — but he said yes because he felt God telling him to do it.

After praying for a miracle, my dad began using what he already had: a vision to share. God used that passion and vision to move the hearts of those listening, and in 1987 we shipped nine 40-foot containers full of the first copies of the Scripture-filled Book of Hope to El Salvador.

In a majority– Muslim nation, you gave them hope — and they shared it with their family!

Upon being reunited with their family, Dioura, Fatouma, and Najaah had shared the Gospel with their mother, Oumou, and she also chose to dedicated her life to Christ!

They live in a sensitive nation of Africa where the majority religion of Islam makes it difficult for anyone to learn about Jesus.

But you sent the Book of Hope to three teenage sisters: Dioura, Fatouma, and Najaah. They were intrigued to learn about Jesus, the Savior … and they all three chose to place their faith in Him!

They were thrilled to know His love … but their Islamic family was not happy — and the girls were disowned. Sadly this is not uncommon in places of Islamic extremism. Thankfully the girls found shelter at their local church.

For several months they were safe and supported by their new faith community, growing in God and forging friendships with other Christians. But then their father came and took them away!

Church members feared for the girls. The eldest was only 16, but there was the possibility they might all be married off to Muslim men or they could even be the victims of violence or honor killing. The pastor and parishioners went to work, trying to discover what had become of them …

And they found that upon being reunited with their family, Dioura, Fatouma, and Najaah had shared the Gospel with their mother, Oumou, and she also chose to dedicate her life to Christ!

Today the girls are living with an uncle in another village, but they are allowed to grow in their Christian faith and are treated well.

Thank you for sharing the hope of Jesus with these Muslim sisters! We’re praising God that they are safe and joyfully following Him.

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$1 shares the Gospel with 3 children. HOw many will you reach?